The Woking Way EPQ

The Extended Project Qualification is an independent research project – your opportunity to gain a qualification in whichever area of interest you choose, anything from a hobby to a future career. The final product can take the form of a written report or an artefact or product/event. The EPQ involves students taking on independent learning and has teachers acting as supervisors. At Woking the EPQ begins after Christmas in year 1 and finishes at the beginning of year 2. You will get timetabled sessions with supervisors who will give you guidance and one-to-one meetings to support your progress.
The EPQ is extremely valued by universities as it demonstrates passion and ability in a particular subject. It is worth 28 UCAS points (half an A-level) and can help support your university applications. It also helps you develop your research and writing skills which will supplement your performance in your A-level exams and BTECs.
For past projects, Woking College students have submitted animations, dance productions, extended essays and videos. This is a great chance to expand your knowledge, pursue your interest and improve your university applications. In 2020 100% of Woking’s students achieved A*-C and students who are enthusiastic, passionate and committed will find the EPQ a qualification which extends their academic ability and cultural capital by taking the EPQ.