2024/2025 Exam Information

Information for parents regarding exams taking place in 2024/2025

Please read the important information below and the attachments regarding exams in 2023/24.

Exam Contingency Days for Summer 2024/2025:

All students sitting exams must be available up to and including the 25th June 2025.  There is another contingency afternoon on 11th June.

Exam Timetables

All students will be given their exam timetable by their personal tutor.  The timetables are not always in date order, so students must be very careful when looking at their examination information.  Access Arrangement information must also be checked on the exam timetable.  If any problems with exam timetable, the student should see the Exams Officers for assistance.

Students with Exam Clashes

Any student that has an exam clash (i.e two exams on the same day and same time which total over 3 hours), will be contacted by the exams team to clarify which exam they will be sitting first.  On any day that the student has a clash, they must make sure that they bring lunch with them to college as they will be kept under college supervision between the morning and afternoon session.

Exam Start Times:

Students must arrive at least 20 minutes before the start of their exam.

Morning exams start at 09:00

Afternoon exams start at 13:30 (some BTEC controlled assessments will start at 13:00 – please check exam timetables for details)

Student ill on the day of the exam:

Students must always attempt to attend an exam, unless circumstances such as admittance to hospital or a contagious disease prevent it.

If despite being ill, the student is still able to sit the exam:

  • Go to the exam at the correct time and speak with the Invigilator/Exams Officer who will make a note of the conversation. If the student needs assistance during the exam they must put up their hand and an invigilator will come over to them.  After the exam the student must go straight to the exams office and they will take the appropriate course of action

If the student is unable to sit the exam due to illness a parent must contact the college on 01483 761036 before the exam is due to start.  Evidence from a GP. Hospital or Specialist will need to be provided to the exams officer and they will take the appropriate course of action.

Students arriving late on the day of the exam:

The student/parent must phone the college to advise they are on their way.

As soon as they arrive in college, the student must go directly to the room where their exam is being held and report to an invigilator.

If there is a legitimate reason for being late (i.e. train cancelled) the student should be able to have the full time for their exam providing they arrive within the first hour of an exam paper for exams lasting over 1 hour, or before the exam has finished for an exam lasting less than an hour.

If however, the student is late for no specific reason (i.e. overslept, traffic jam), the college reserves the right to only give them the time remaining of the exam.

Exam Rooms:

Most exams take place in the Sports Hall unless a student has specific Access Arrangements.

Seating Plans:

Seating plans will be available for students to see in the Exams Team, in the Student Intranet and outside the room on the day of the exam.

Items in exam rooms:

Mobile phones, Smart Glasses, Air Pods, Watches, and Bags are NOT allowed in the Exam room.

Students should where possible leave their valuables at home, with a friend or in their car.  The college has lockers outside the sports hall that can be used.  As a last resort, they can hand their valuables in to the Exam Team however they may have to wait a considerable time after their exam has finished before these will be available to collect.

Students are allowed to bring in clear plastic water bottles – however these cannot have any writing/labels on them.  Only students with medical conditions may bring food/medication into an exam – any food must be in a clear bag/box.  Chewing gum is also not allowed unless in a clear bag/box.

All students must wear lanyards and their College ID card must be placed on the desk during the exam.

Essential JCQ reading:

Please CLICK HERE to see the latest essential JCQ reading list.