The College’s pass rate is just over 99% as always but, brilliantly, Woking College students bucked the national trend by gaining 67% high grades (A*-B) a jump of 8% on last year. This is a remarkable and absolutely outstanding effort and fully vindicates the College’s approach to teaching and learning during Lockdown.

All young people have experienced tremendous barriers to their learning over the last three years and so much credit should be given to them for the resilience and fortitude they have demonstrated throughout.

As Principal I can be nothing but proud of all of our students and our staff who supported them throughout.

The vast majority of our Year13 students will now be taking up their places at university or on an Apprenticeship; I know that their positive attitude which has driven them to a wonderful and well-deserved set of results will have further enhanced their skills, abilities and mindset they will need to negotiate their early years of higher education and employment.

Woking College’s key ambition will always be to enhance the life choice of our students and I am delighted that we could all work together so superbly in meeting that aim.

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