Results Day 2019

Students and teachers here are delighted with another excellent set of results this year.  The pass rate was once again at 99%. 60% achieving high grades and that means Woking College students gained over 1000 examination results at A*-B or equivalent and so the vast majority of students will get into their first choice university or onto that much cherished apprenticeship course.

With so many more students achieving outstanding results in terms of A and A* grades and Distinctions – that means even more of them able to go to the most competitive Higher Education institutions. The BTEC pass rate was once again one of the best in the county with a 99% pass rate.

The Principal stressed that the results reflect a massive amount of hard work from students and the amazing academic and caring support offered by the most wonderful team of staff; “I am sure that students and their parents will be absolutely delighted and share with me the gratitude I have for the team effort that results in wonderful days like today.

The Principal, Brett Freeman said “most importantly what this means is that we ensure that we have succeeded in our first priority: giving our students the widest range of personal choices in their future education and careers”; he went on to thank the staff of the College – “these tremendous successes to a great extent a product of students working within a community of enthusiastic and supportive teachers and the drive and self-belief that engenders in the College’s students”.

The Principal emphasised the importance of the immense progress students make at Woking College: “what it so pleasing are the results of the students who arrived with relatively low GCSE scores, but then demonstrated amazing advances during their time with us and now qualify for top universities and apprenticeships”.

Lastly, as The principal said to his students on the morning of results, “not only are your brilliant grades good for your personal futures, it also means people will take them seriously – and so putting them in a position to continue to make the world a better place”

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