Woking College excel at Bebras Computing Challenge

The Bebras Computing Challenge promotes problem solving skills and Informatics concepts including the ability to break down complex tasks into simpler components, algorithm design, pattern recognition, pattern generalisation and abstraction. It is organised in over 40 countries and designed to get students all over the world excited about computing.

This year, there were more than 250,000 participants, with 7085 registrations in the Elite category this year. This is the top level category in the Bebras challenge, and all our 31 AS Level Computer Science took part.

Our results are as follows:

– 30% Distinction

– 25% Merit

– 45% Pass

We also have four students who came out in the top 10% across the country, and have been exclusively invited to University of Oxford for a final round and celebration in the new year. These four students are:

– Kyle Napp (Also Awarded Best in School)

– Peter Meiklem

– Thomas Baxter

– Ben Browning

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