Exam Board


Head of Department

Jennie Trimnell

Entry Requirements

4 or more grades 4-9.

Additional entry requirement: Grade 4+ in a literate subject.

Please note:

A literate subject includes any GCSE English qualification or any other GCSE essay-based subject, such as History, Geography or Sociology (these are not exclusive).
A numerate subject includes GCSE Maths or ANY GCSE Science course. If students are doing double Science, then just one of the grades being at 4 will be sufficient.

A GCSE grade of 4 and above in the relevant subject will supersede either of the above criteria.

Assessment Breakdown

Coursework = 50% | Exam = 50%

APPLY Now 2024-----

Apply Now 2025

Digital Media CTEC Digital Media—Extended Certificate

(Level 3 Vocational – Equivalent to 1 A-Level)

What skills will I develop?

This creative course will provide students with the knowledge and skills to generate an outstanding portfolio of productions. You will gain a vast range of technical skills using industry-standard filming and editing equipment and software, knowledge of pre-production practices, and post-production skills.

What topics will I study?

Year 1:

  • Unit 1 Products and Audiences 
  • Unit 3 Creating a Media Product 
  • Unit 24: Cross Media Industries 

Year 2:

  • Unit 2: Pre-production and Planning 
  • Unit 20: Advertising Media 
  • Unit 22: Scripting for Media Products 

NB: These units are subject to review

Where does the course lead?

Career opportunities include roles in digital media e.g content creator,  marketing and editing . In addition to this students also enter traditional media roles such as camera operator and journalism.

Students often progress to a practical-based university course in media or film production or alternatively, complete internships with media companies.

Exam Board


Head of Department

Jennie Trimnell

Entry Requirements

4 or more grades 4-9.

Additional entry requirement: Grade 4+ in a literate subject.

Please note:

A literate subject includes any GCSE English qualification or any other GCSE essay-based subject, such as History, Geography or Sociology (these are not exclusive).
A numerate subject includes GCSE Maths or ANY GCSE Science course. If students are doing double Science, then just one of the grades being at 4 will be sufficient.

A GCSE grade of 4 and above in the relevant subject will supersede either of the above criteria.

Assessment Breakdown

Coursework = 50% | Exam = 50%

APPLY Now 2024-----

Apply Now 2025