Prestigious Art Award for Woking College Student

Woking College Fine Art Student Grace Burns has joined the elite of the Art World with her portrait of her father entitled. “My Dad Left View”

Grace’s work will be exhibited at the prestigious Mall Galleries in London and at the Royal Overseas League Gallery in St James in London. Graces work was selected form over 250 nominations.

Katie’s work was talent-spotted by dedicated Jan Rubin from the Mayford Arts Society

Jan is a huge supporter of young artists in the area and selected the work for submission when it was displayed at the annual Woking College Summer Arts Exhibition at the Lightbox in Woking.

Jan presented Grace with her Royal Society of British Arts Star Certificate with her proud dad looking on!!


Images below

LEFT: Grace Burns with her dad and his self-portrait.

RIGHT: Jan Rubin presents Grace with her RBA Star Student Certificate.

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