Woking College Means Business 5

To end the Easter Term at Woking College. Business Studies students hosted the “Mini Oscars of the Business Department”. Now in its  fifth year, students designed, staged and orchestrated the entire event to celebrate their achievements in their vocational studies.

Awards were given to both students and teachers with the serious academic awards sitting alongside some “tongue in cheek” accolades.

Principal Brett Freeman presented awards to “The Fantastic Four” who demonstrated outstanding commitment to their course, submitted excellent course work and were supportive to their fellow students.  These awards went to Ehti Sadiq, Rida Malik, Connagh Wilks and Zakeel Hussain.

Award for Most Organised Student went to Adeel Zahir and Best project went to Sean Fenton.

Student most likely to appear on Dragons den went to Rafid Reza who also helped present the awards.

Students and staff then rounded off the evening with refreshments, food and music.

The proceeds from tickets sold for the event went to the Woking and Sam Beare Hospice Charity

Business student Connagh Wilks commented. “We are very proud to have received awards for our efforts over the past 2 years at Woking College and a huge thanks must go to our inspirational teachers who have motivated us to achieve the best!”

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