Exam Board


Head of Department

Jennie Trimnell

Entry Requirements

Five grades 4-9 (or equivalent) including at least a grade 4 in English Language.

Assessment Breakdown

Coursework = 30%, Examination = 70%

Apply Now 2025

Media Studies

Develop your awareness of a range of media issues arising from an increasingly digitally dominated, media-saturated culture in this exciting and theoretical and practical course. Topics covered include the study of media industries such as film and television and the exploration of media products such as advertising campaigns and music videos. You will examine how products from a range of media industries are constructed to engage audiences and the ways in which representations are formed. You will apply a theoretical framework when analysing media texts and consider texts in relation to a range of contexts. The coursework component enables you to develop your technical and creative skills as you produce a cross-media production.

What skills will I develop?

You will develop your analytical skills, in particular your ability to identify and justify the use of key technical features within a media product.

You will develop a more sophisticated way of writing, including expressing your personal voice.

You will gain technical skills with industry standard hardware and software, through your creation of both print and moving image media productions.

What topics will I study?

Component 1 – Examination: Media  Products, Industries and Audiences 
(2 hours, 15 minutes – 35%)

  • Section A:    Media Language and Representation (specific study of advertising and marketing, music videos and newspapers)
  • Section B:  Media Industries and Audiences (specific study of advertising and marketing, film cross-media study, newspapers, radio and video games)

Component 2 – Examination: Media Forms and Products in Depth (2 hours, 30 minutes – 35%)

  • Section A: Television in the Global Age.
  • Section B: Magazines: Mainstream and Alternative Media.
  • Section C: Media in the Online Age.

Component 3– Coursework: Cross-Media Production (Non-Examination Assessment – 30%)

  • Section A:  Create one cross-media production in two forms for an intended audience.

Where does the course lead?

Career opportunities include marketing, advertising, public relations and publishing, as well as careers in the media such as researcher or production assistant.

Exam Board


Head of Department

Jennie Trimnell

Entry Requirements

Five grades 4-9 (or equivalent) including at least a grade 4 in English Language.

Assessment Breakdown

Coursework = 30%, Examination = 70%

Apply Now 2025