Exam Board


Head of Department

Rob Harris

Entry Requirements

Four grades 4-9 (or equivalent) including at least grade 4 in Maths, English  Language and 44 in Double Science. The course and exams include significant mathematical content.

Assessment Breakdown

Coursework = 54%, Examination = 46%

APPLY Now 2024-----

Apply Now 2025

Applied Science (L3)

(Equivalent to 2 A Levels)

This qualification consists of eight units, and combines theory with the practical skills required for a career in the scientific sector. Assessment is through examinations, written coursework and laboratory work. You will also carry out your own independent investigative project. The course covers a mix of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, building upon GCSE topics to give you a firm grounding in all aspects of science. Particular emphasis is placed on the topics of forensic science, diseases and chemical analysis.

What skills will I develop?

  • You will develop your understanding of core science concepts and techniques in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
  • You will learn how science is used in a wide range of sectors including manufacturing, law and healthcare.
  • You will develop your ability to use a wide range of laboratory equipment skilfully and safely to carry out a range of scientific investigations.
  • You will develop your ability to record, present and analyse your findings according to international scientific standards.

What topics will I study?

BTEC Diploma

  • Unit 1: Principles and application of science I
  • Unit 2: Practical scientific procedures and techniques
  • Unit 3: Science investigation skills
  • Unit 4: Laboratory techniques and their application
  • Unit 5: Principles and application of science II
  • Unit 6: Investigative project
  • Unit 12: Diseases and infections
  • Unit 23: Forensic Evidence, Collection and Analysis

Where does the course lead?

Career opportunities include scientific and technical posts in laboratories and industry, and progression to a wide variety of degree courses. Past students have gone on to study Biosciences, Forensic Science, Engineering, Nursing, Law and Criminology. 


Exam Board


Head of Department

Rob Harris

Entry Requirements

Four grades 4-9 (or equivalent) including at least grade 4 in Maths, English  Language and 44 in Double Science. The course and exams include significant mathematical content.

Assessment Breakdown

Coursework = 54%, Examination = 46%

APPLY Now 2024-----

Apply Now 2025