Exam Board


Head of Department

Charles Lister

Entry Requirements

4 or more grades 4-9.

Additional entry requirement: Grade 4+ in a literate subject.

Please note:

A literate subject includes any GCSE English qualification or any other GCSE essay-based subject, such as History, Geography or Sociology (these are not exclusive).
A numerate subject includes GCSE Maths or ANY GCSE Science course. If students are doing double Science, then just one of the grades being at 4 will be sufficient.

A GCSE grade of 4 and above in the relevant subject will supersede either of the above criteria.

Assessment Breakdown

100% internally assessed coursework in all units.

APPLY Now 20241 A Level

Apply Now 2025

APPLY Now 20242 A Level

Apply Now 2025


(Level 3 Vocational – Available as equivalent to 1 or 2 A-Levels)

This course is for those who have a keen interest in sports, and wish to develop their knowledge and understanding of this exciting topic area. Course units include Anatomy and Physiology, Sports Coaching and Fitness Testing. All units are delivered through a mixture of theory and practical lessons and assessed through internally assessed coursework only.

What skills will I develop?

Alongside the vocational sports skills delivered as part of this course you will develop your ability to work both independently and as part of a team in order to produce coursework.

You will also be assisted to improve your research skills as well as your overall IT and communication skills.

You will lead sports activities and assess fitness levels of individuals who are aspiring towards excellence in sport.

What topics will I study?

This course is available as both an Certificate (equiv. 1 A Level) and Diploma (equiv. 2 A Levels). Units studied would be taken from the below selection:

Year 1

  • Exercise, Health & lifestyle
  • Preparing for a career in sport and physical activity
  • Sports Coaching
  • Principles of anatomy & physiology
  • Fitness testing for sport and exercise
  • Sports nutrition

Year 2

  • The physiology of fitness
  • Fitness training and programming
  • Sports injuries
  • Current issues in sport
  • Instructing physical activity
  • Sports development  

Where does the course lead?

Whether the student intends to continue with further study, pursue a future in sport itself or has merely a passing interest, the skills, such as time management, planning, teamwork and leadership which are gained on this course are valuable to future careers, and are highly sought by employers.

Exam Board


Head of Department

Charles Lister

Entry Requirements

4 or more grades 4-9.

Additional entry requirement: Grade 4+ in a literate subject.

Please note:

A literate subject includes any GCSE English qualification or any other GCSE essay-based subject, such as History, Geography or Sociology (these are not exclusive).
A numerate subject includes GCSE Maths or ANY GCSE Science course. If students are doing double Science, then just one of the grades being at 4 will be sufficient.

A GCSE grade of 4 and above in the relevant subject will supersede either of the above criteria.

Assessment Breakdown

100% internally assessed coursework in all units.

APPLY Now 20241 A Level

Apply Now 2025

APPLY Now 20242 A Level

Apply Now 2025