Woking College FAQs

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about College life.
If you have a question that’s not listed here there are plenty more F.A.Q’s on the website under Student Life or you can e mail us with your questions to admissions@woking.ac.uk
Yes, in that you are expected to work hard, attend, achieve and be a responsible member of our College community. No, in that you are treated like a young adult who has made a decision that you want to be here and are keen to learn and to study.
Woking College is highly oversubscribed and we treat each application on a first come first served basis. You are more likely to get your first choice subjects if you apply early. We recommend you apply before the end of the winter term
We had applications from over 100 different schools this year. We are renowned for our friendly inclusive community and we are confident that everything will be done to make sure you feel happy and included.
The majority of our students take three subjects but some take four and the E. P. Q (Extended Project Qualification) counts as a fourth.
Each A level subject is 4.5 hours of teaching per week. All students then have a weekly tutorial session plus any extra-curricular activities that you get involved with.
On average you should expect an hour of homework for every hour you are taught. Homework includes all independent reading, research and note preparation as well as completing set assignments.
Yes, independent study time at College is actively encouraged where you will have access to the Learning Resource Centre with its extensive computer network and quiet study areas.
Yes, students are able to choose this combination with some Vocational courses equivalent to one or two A levels.
Yes, Woking College has one of the best enrichment programmes in the county where you can choose from over 70 different activities ranging from Sport, Music, Dance and Drama to Debating, D of E and World Challenge. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE LIST
We have an excellent careers department staffed by highly qualified professionals who can offer advice and guidance on further education, apprenticeships and the work place. Over 75 % of our students go on to university and they are given one to one help with their UCAS applications.
All students are invited for an interview. A senior member of staff will discuss your subject choices and offer advice and guidance. You are then offered a place and will be invited to a Welcome Day session (usually in late June) where you will meet your teachers and participate in taster lessons, before finalising your choice of courses at enrolment.