Information for Year 13


  1. All Year 13 A level and GCSE students need do no more work towards examinations or coursework.
  2. Students who have nearly completed high-quality BTEC/CTEC units or any other non A level coursework should finish off the final details and submit that work straight away.
  3. Any other outstanding BTEC/ CTEC unit/coursework does now not need to be completed, just as we have said  previously for A level and GCSE students
  4. Final year BTEC/CTEC students who might be in first year classes or Year 12 students who are leaving at the end of this year will have their work assessed in the same way as U6 students
  5. ADVICE TO YEAR 12 BTEC AND CTEC STUDENTS: The exam boards have announced that you will be receiving predicted grades for any units that were due to be submitted after lock-down. (20th March).  This means that teachers will advise you to stop working on those units now. Any work due before lock-down (20th March) must still be completed and submitted.  If you are behind on any of this work you must complete this as a priority as failure to submit this work will mean that you are unlikely to progress to Year 13. Your teachers will now be setting new work to prepare you for Year 13, it is vital that you engage with all online lessons and activities and keep up with this work. Failure to do so will mean you are unable to progress onto Year 13.
  6. The College will submit Centre Assessed Grades to the examination Boards by the end of May; we have been instructed by government bodies that we are not allowed to discuss the grading process or grades with students, parents or carers, but we will, of course, submit the fairest and most appropriately positive grades we can, reflecting the brilliant grades Woking College students typically achieve.
  7. Year 12 students should, of course, keep working according to teacher-set programmes.


Brett Freeman



A Letter to Parents and Carers

A letter from the Principal to parents and carers of Year 13 students regarding examination grading can be downloaded HERE


Working from Home

When working from home you will only need to access Teams, Moodle and your E-mail. This will be the primary communication tools used by your teachers. 

Please share documents and files via Teams when you can. Please also use OneDrive and share the file link with your teacher. Please minimise the use of E-mail to send files.

Click here to access the links to .. Your Timetable, ProPortal, Web Email, Office 365.

If you do not have Teams then it can be downloaded here . Teams is also available for your Tablet and Phone. Go to your application store and download it. It’s FREE. Sign in as usual.

Please minimise the use of the My Work link above as you will be unlikely to need to remote access into the college.

To access your COLLEGE EMAIL click here and login with your college email and password.

How to sign into E-Books from home .. click HERE



Adding your files to OneDrive – Click Here

If you are experiencing issues uploading files – Click Here


Free Software

We are waiting for Adobe to confirm the licence switch to allow us to use this as home. We are due to hear from them today, 20th March 2020. We have not as yet and will update this page with the latest news on this.

I have compiled a list of alternatives below:-

Here is a list of sites offering free software downloads

Microsoft Office – Word/Excel etc – Login to and download the suite. Download button top right screen.

Blender – 3D and 2D Animation – Click Here

Davinci – Video Editing – Click Here

List of Free Graphics SoftwareClick Here

Autodesk – CAD/3D Design – Click Here

List of Free Music Creation SoftwareClick Here



Teams – How To, Tips and Guides

We have put together a number of resources to help with Teams 

A Beginners Guide to Teams

Microsoft Teams Help and Learning

Communication with your collegues using Teams

Start a Chat in Teams

Please note you can have 100 participate in a group chat. However calling and video features are shut off above 20.