Bishop of London Visits Woking College

Staff and students at Woking College were delighted to welcome the Rt Revd and Rt Hon Dame Sarah Mullally, the first female Bishop of London to the College to address students and meet with faith groups. Bishop Sarah is an alumni of Woking College.

As an ex-student of the College Bishop Sarah was able to relate to the challenges and aspirations facing young people in a time of change and uncertainty. With a high flying career in the N.H.S where she was appointed Chief Nursing Officer for England, Bishop Sarah saw a move into ordained ministry as an extension of her motivation to care and to contribute to society

The Bishop addressed a packed hall of students and hosted an insightful Question & Answer session on diverse topics ranging from the Church’s response to knife crime in London, the validity of the role of Church of England in British society today and the Church’s stance on same sex and LGBT marriages.

In her honest and heartfelt address Bishop Sarah related that at various times in their lives young people feel that “they don’t fit in” but encouraged students to make their own mark in their own way whatever path they choose and to “do it your way”

Bishop Sarah spoke eloquently of the need for collaboration between all faiths and those of non-faith to create an environment of respect and equality.

Reflecting on the incendiary language used recently in Parliament, Bishop Sarah called for mutual respect and understanding between all parties and spoke of the need for a more balanced gender ratio in high office in the Church of England.

In a more private and reflective mood the Bishop met with the College’s Christian Union and staff prayer group.

At the end of her visit Bishop Sarah commented “It was a great privilege to return to Woking College and spend time with the inspirational students and staff. I remember the passion the teachers from my own time at the College had for their student’s education and that is something for which I will always be immensely grateful. I see the same ethos in the staff I met today, who are a fantastic asset to the College and its students”


Pictures by: Anthony Gurr

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