Fantastic A Level Results Again for Woking College

Students and teachers here are delighted with an even better set of results this year.

Similar to the last few year students achieved an advanced level pass rate of 99% and with over 50% achieving high grades – that’s well over 500 examination results at A* – B or equivalent – the vast majority of students will get into their first choice at university or that much cherished apprenticeship course.

With so many students achieving outstanding results in terms of A and A* grades and Distinctions – and therefore able to go to the most competitive Higher Education institutions – it is impossible to list them all here. Having said that we must give special commendation to all students who met and exceeded their personal targets having progressed so brilliantly during their time with us.

The Principal of Woking College, Brett Freeman, puts these tremendous successes down to the College’s community of enthusiastic and supportive teachers and the drive and self-belief that engenders in the College’s students; the Principal said “Most importantly what this means is that we ensure that we have succeeded in our number one priority: giving our students the widest range of personal choices in their future education and careers”.

Student Amy Harris, who achieve A* and A grades in Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry, as well as the Extended Project Qualification, stated: “Our success is not only down to hard work and the motivation to get where I want, but also to the supportive and lovely teachers, where there is a solid mutual respect regarding work ethic.” Amy is going to Bristol University to study Biochemistry.

Applications for 2018 entry to Woking College are currently open. Please Click Here for application information, as well as to fill out the application form.

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